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Anti Lock Braking Sensor (ABS)

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Anti Lock Braking Sensor (ABS) Waveform Notes

The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) relies upon information coming in from the sensors fitted to the hub assemblies.

If under heavy braking the ABS Electronic Control Module (ECM) loses a signal from one of the road wheels, it assumes that the wheel has locked and releases that brake momentarily until it sees the signal return. It is therefore imperative that the sensors are capable of providing a signal to the ABS ECM.

The operation of an ABS sensor is not unlike that of a crank angle sensor, using a small pick-up that is affected by the movement of a phonic wheel, moving in close proximity. The relationship between the phonic wheel and the sensor result in the production of a continuous Alternating Current (AC) ‘sine wave’ that can be monitored on an oscilloscope. The sensor, recognisable by its two electrical connections (some may have a coaxial braided outer shield) will produce an output that can be monitored and measured on the oscilloscope.

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